This page contains links to all the information released by Eastern Counties Rugby Union in relation to Coronavirus and the support available to clubs facing difficulty while rugby is suspended. Click on the links to go to the document referred to.
Support from the Rugby Football Union
The RFU has also set up a specific webpage with information for clubs on the support available – Click HERE
Financial Support
Support for club finances include:
- RFU Emergency Loan Scheme – Click HERE for details
- Sport England Community Emergency Fund – Click HERE for details NOTE: Sport England Community Emergency Fund is not currently accepting new applications
- Government Support schemes for small business, employment and the sport and leisure sector – Click HERE for details
Many clubs have also found innovative and creative ways to seek financial support from the membership and the wider community with crowdfunding initiatives – click HERE for some ideas that clubs have been using.
Eastern Counties Immediate Support Fund
Eastern Counties have established a fund with the support of the RFU for clubs which remain in need of support after they have explored all other options. This funding is aimed at keeping clubs alive in the short term and will then look to support clubs in restarting activity when rugby resumes. If your club needs support then email to let us know and we will advise on next steps.
The RFU has provided a proforma for us to use in assessing clubs' level of needs - this is now available on the Downloads page (Click HERE).
As we agree support funding for clubs from this fund, we will publish information about who has been supported and how we have supported them on this website.
The 'Downloads' section includes links to all the documents mentioned below, and we will add others as they come to us. Click HERE to go to the Downloads page.
- From the RFU: The RFU has issued a number of Community Game Updates in recent weeks. These have been sent direct to clubs
- From Bill Sweeney, Chief Executive of the RFU: A number of messages about the RFU and how it is working have been issued to clubs
- From Eastern Counties: Eastern Counties RU has sent a number of messages to clubs about the available support and club activity in the last few weeks
- From our RFU Council Representative: Roger Pierson, ECRU Council Representative has sent a number of Council Member briefs relating to Coronavirus.