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Improve your Coaching Open coaching sessions from the champions for schools and grass roots clubs in the East Midlands (Franklin’s Gard...
Stowmarket RFC host Colts Festival To all Colts Contacts in Eastern Counties This Festival is supported by Eastern Counties, and is p...
Vacancy for Girls Manager COACHING VACANCY - ECRU U15 Girls Eastern Counties Rugby Union have a vacancy for a Manager with their Girls...
Is there someone aged 16 to 24 at your club who has got what it takes to be an an ambassador for England Rugby? The RFU is looking for...
Rowland Winter's Coaching Programme Coach Education / Development Rowland Winter has put together a programme for this season and deta...
Be part of the BBC project - Eastern Counties has been contacted by the BBC about Activity Maker which is part of their wider Get Inspire...
more tournaments planned Thank you very much to everyone who attended the first 18-24 Norfolk 7’s and to Norwich Rugby club for hosting...
Replacement system live on 31st July - The RFU is about to launch a brand new Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system which will al...
July 2014 - Andrew Sarek's latest Council Member Briefing can be downloaded by going to
RFU Marketing Campaign As part the RFU’s on-going drive to grow women and girls rugby, a brand new promotional campaign is being launch...
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